Learning Keys
- Understand the critical importance of verbal communication in an AI-driven world.
- Transform your first impression instantly with three simple strategies.
- Discover six key reasons to prioritize verbal communication over written communication.
- Explore the importance of small talk in business & life, and how to master it.
- Leverage AI to dramatically enhance your verbal communication in meetings, conversations, presentations and more.
The Power of TALK in an AI World.
In a world where ChatGPT enables everyone to write like a Harvard graduate, the true power to stand out now lies in verbal communication. Unfortunately, many studies show that the fear of public speaking ranks higher than the fear of death, and those who struggle to talk in front of others will quickly find themselves and their organizations falling behind. Join Anthony Huey in this lively and thought-provoking keynote as he explores the power of verbal communication. Anthony helps his audiences understand the importance of perception and how first impressions are primarily formed when we speak, whether in person, virtually, or on the phone.

Learning Keys
• Identify the 3 traits successful leaders have in common.
• Discover the power of perception and first impressions.
• Unlock the secrets to making a connection with anyone.
• Overcome the most common barriers to achieving your “It Factor.”
• Learn how to create the “It Factor” for your entire organization.
Talk Like a Leader: Finding Your "It Factor."
Ignite the “spark” inside you. We’ve all met someone with intangible qualities that draw others in and make them say, “Wow!” Some call it charisma, magnetism, or the “it factor,” but it’s nearly impossible to define. Until now. You can’t touch the “it factor,” but you can immediately feel when someone has it. This fast-paced, pragmatic and interactive keynote gives audience members practical and immediately implementable approaches to bringing the “it factor” to not only themselves, but their organization.

Learning Keys
• Arm yourself with a reputation-saving crisis response framework.
• Gain 10 battle-proven tips to survive any crisis and live another day.
• Discover how to control social media when things get tough.
• Buy your team time when the hard questions get asked.
• Overcome the biggest mistake companies make in a crisis.
• Learn how to easily “plug the holes’ in your current crisis plan.
• Understand how to win in the court of public opinion.
Crisis! Are You Ready?
Don’t let 30 years of hard work get destroyed in 30 Seconds. Somewhere within every organization, a crisis is waiting to happen. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year or even in five years; you can’t be sure what the crisis will be or when it will strike. But you can be sure that a crisis will put your organization’s hard-earned image and reputation up for grabs. The old adage, perception is reality, has never been more true than in today’s superficial, hyper-critical and social media-driven world. This timely and highly-entertaining keynote offers actionable keys to swaying internal and external perception during a negative event.

Learning Keys
• Breakdown the differences between great, average and bad communicators.
• Turn mediocrity (or worse) into engaging verbal communications.
• Develop messages that are strategically crafted to achieve your objectives.
• Recognize the ways your body language affects how you are perceived.
• A revolutionary new way to organize content to increases effectiveness of verbal presentations, sales calls, meetings and more.
Making Your Messages Memorable
Stand Up. Stand Out. And Stand Apart! Whether you realize it or not, your communication skills are constantly being judged by others, often subconsciously. How you communicate in everything from casual conversations to formal presentations can be the difference between success and failure. Don’t miss what is often your only opportunity to connect and leave a lasting impression. This pragmatic keynote offers attendees battle-proven communications techniques to ensure they and their messages are remembered.

Learning Keys
• Gain clarity on the power the news media have in swaying public opinion.
• Learn how to identify a real story from “fake news.”
• Discover the media “trigger words” designed to separate, alienate and vilify.
• Breakdown what really drives the stories you see online, on TV and in print.
• Ask the questions that will help ensure you’re not a victim of media manipulation.
• Identify three strategies to protect your family and business from misinformation.
insidious Influence:
Inside The World's Most Powerful Force.
There are immense powers in this country that are neither elected by the people nor regulated in any way. They have the ability to take down governments, ruin companies and control the very way you think. In this thought-provoking keynote you’ll be taken inside both traditional and social media during the country’s most recent events and learn how the old adage ‘what people perceive, is what they believe’ has never more true. Discover how today’s world is being shaped by an insidious force and the role you play in protecting our democracy.