Customer Service Skills

Communicating Clearly on the Front Lines.


They say great communicators are made, not born, but improving communication skills is an area that even some of the best organizations overlook. This session teaches your front-line team the essentials of effective interpersonal communications. This highly interactive, hands-on session will teach employees at every level of business more effective ways to communicate — with clarity and purpose — to co-workers, customers, the public and a variety of others they deal with every day.

Session Details

  • In-Person or Virtual Session
  • Timeframe:  60 minutes minimum up to 6 hours maximum.
  • Attendees will participate in several hands-on, interactive exercises.


Learning Keys

What's Your Body Saying?

Understand how people interpret your body language and what you can do about it.

Become More Memorable

Increase the likelihood that someone will remember what you said.

Defuse Stressful Situations

Neutralize negative emotions that cloud judgement.

Have the Right Answers

Effectively respond to any question.

Communicate Clearly

Utilize inflection, voice, gestures and more to create an engaging, memorable conversation.

Say It Better

Learn better ways to raise objections, say 'no,' offer alternatives, and much more.

Book Anthony

Please fill out the form below and a member of Anthony’s team will be in touch!

Or call us: + 1 614 486-5000
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