Overcoming Nervousness

Here’s what you can do to overcome nerves before you speak in public.

It is natural to be nervous before a public appearance.  Every professional entertainer experiences some kind of “butterflies” before a performance.  The symptoms are usually a nervous stomach, perspiring, shifting eyes, death grip on chairs . . .

What can you do about it?

  • Practice a few relaxation exercises before you go on – rolling your neck, swinging your arms, stretching.
  • Take a deep breath, hold it for three-five seconds, let it out slowly.
  • Stand naturally with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands loose and relaxed.  Then shake your hands and arms, letting the vibration work itself into the rest of your body.
  • Nervousness adds adrenaline to your system – it can make you sharper and quicker – use it.
  • Think of nervousness as a way of ensuring that you are “up” for the presentation.
  • The best way to combat nervousness is to come prepared for the situation by knowing your subject matter and the major points you need to make.

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